Encouraging Our Businesses Together!

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The reason I wanted to start this blog was to focus on women encouraging each other with their businesses.  It is no secret that women wear many different hats in their life.  A very high percent of women not only runs a household, takes care of their children but they also find time to manage a business. 

The World of the Internet is one of the biggest opportunities a woman has starting a business and running it because they are able to pursue their dreams in a timely manner that works best for them and their schedule.

A Little about Me

I have been working since I was thirteen years old.  I would work at my school under a school program, when I got off I would go to work at a place called A & W.  Up until about three years ago, I have always worked one, two and sometimes three jobs at once. I have been called a work-coholic because I spend so much of my time working.    I suppose I look at it as being very independent and working hard for everything I have.  I do have to be careful though, working from home is none stop for me and there are many times I have to MAKE myself STOP.

I am an Artist and have my artwork on several different art sites online.  Zazzle, FineArt, ImageKind and RedBubble are a few.  I do Graphic Arts and also Photography.  I write A LOT at a place called Squidoo and I write about a wide range of different things.  When autumn arrives, and Halloween is close, it is almost none stop writing SquidBOO lens which are my FAVORITE things because I get to write about spooky paranormal stuff.  I have two separate online businesses:  One is at eCrater and I sell a very wide range of items such as candles, oils, spiritual items, soaps, cauldron’s, smudge items, handmade Fairies and so much more.  My other business is just devoted to my Herbs.  I make Handmade Natural Soaps; sell about 75 different loose herbs, fragrance oils and essential oils. My plans are to write a blog for each different business I have.

I am on several Social Networks such as Twitter, FaceBook (which I also have a business page and storefront), Stumble, Digg, Tagfoot, RedGage, and so many others.

I really enjoy helping others promote their business, I enjoy encouraging them to pursue their dreams because in the whole process I believe in the end we are helping each other.  The Universe is a very large space and there is enough abundance for everyone.   It takes a lot of work, helping each other and believing in what we are doing.